Recently, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Jamie Dimon went on CNBC calling Bitcoin a "fraud" where he would "fire in a second" any JPMorgan trader trading in Bitcoin because it is against their "rules." Even though his daughter bought into Bitcoin and JPMorgan Chase & Co. has been caught trading in Bitcoin. Dimon's sentiment has been echoed by many central banks, mainstream media, and those connected to them in the government. Evidence is showing that Dimon is only projecting and is, in turn, frauding everyone who looks to him for guidance (appeal to authority). Below I provide evidence in support of the conspiracy theory that the banking elites run the government and control your lives.


What is a conspiracy theory? It is the point of view that a group is plotting something sinister using direct movements and actions to control what is being seen, like in the sense of theater.

  • conspiracy (n.) mid-14c., from Anglo-French conspiracie, Old French conspiracie "conspiracy, plot," from Latin conspirationem (nominative conspiratio) "agreement, union, unanimity," noun of action from conspirare (see conspire).
  • conspire (v.) late 14c., from Old French conspirer (14c.), from Latin conspirare "to agree, unite, plot," literally "to breathe together," from com "with, together" (see com-) + spirare "to breathe" (see spirit (n.)).
  • theory (n.) 1590s, "conception, mental scheme," from Late Latin theoria (Jerome), from Greek theoria "contemplation, speculation; a looking at, viewing; a sight, show, spectacle, things looked at," from theorein "to consider, speculate, look at," from theoros "spectator," from thea "a view" (see theater) + horan "to see," which is possibly from PIE root *wer- (3) "to perceive."


The idea that a conspiracy theory is some negative crack pot title is grossly fraudulent. Since the times of the Magna Carta and the creation of the Declaration of Independence conspiracy theories were viewed in a positive manner. In 1967, the CIA coined "conspiracy theory" in a negative light as a way to discredit any theories outside of the "official" story. The CIA wrote a dispatch that provided high level instructions for the stopping and discrediting of such conspiracy theories.

  • "Countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists"
  • "Employ propaganda assets to and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose."
  • "Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (II) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories." (this happened during 9/11 which discredited any factual evidence that came out)
  • "In private to media discussions not directed at any particular writer, or in attacking publications which may be yet forthcoming, the following arguments should be useful:"
    • "No significant new evidence has emerged"
    • "[Critics] tend to place more emphasis on the recollections of individual witnesses" (to discredit eye witnesses)
    • "Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal in the United States"

Root definition - Objective truth

  • fraud (n.) from Latin fraudem (nominative fraus) "a cheating, deceit," of persons "a cheater, deceiver." Not in Watkins; perhaps ultimately from PIE *dhreugh- "to deceive" (source also of Sanskrit dhruti- "deception; error"). Meaning "a fraudulent production, something intended to deceive" is from 1650s. The meaning "impostor, deceiver, pretender; humbug" is attested from 1850.
  • government (n.) late 14c., "act of governing or ruling;" 1550s, "system by which a thing is governed" (especially a state), from Old French governement "control, direction, administration" (Modern French gouvernement), from governer "to govern" (see govern).


Google Definition - Subjective

  • fraud (n.) wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. (notice they added criminal to the definition, which the government controls what is considered "criminal")
  • government (n.) the governing body of a nation, state, or community. The action or manner of controlling or regulating a nation, organization, or people.

Who is Jamie Dimon? He is the current CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and a Board of Director for the Federal Reserve of New York, and is worth close to a billion dollars. Some might consider his position with the Federal Reserve as a conflict of interest since the Federal Reserve "regulates" all central banks, including JPMorgan Chase & Co. The hypocrisies being pushed by Dimon and those like him are endless.

What is the Federal Reserve? It is not a government agency, yet they control our entire monetary supply and system.

  • "The Federal Reserve Banks are not a part of the federal government, but they exist because of an act of Congress. Their purpose is to serve the public. So is the Fed private or public? The answer is both. While the Board of Governors is an independent government agency, the Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations. Member banks hold stock in the Federal Reserve Banks and earn dividends. Holding this stock does not carry with it the control and financial interest given to holders of common stock in for-profit organizations. The stock may not be sold or pledged as collateral for loans. Member banks also appoint six of the nine members of each Bank's board of directors."
  • In John L. Lewis, Plaintiff/appellant, V. United States of America, Defendant/appelle, 680 F.2d 1239 (9th Cir. 1982):
    • "Each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. The stockholding commercial banks elect two thirds of each Bank's nine member board of directors. The remaining three directors are appointed by the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board regulates the Reserve Banks, but direct supervision and control of each Bank is exercised by its board of directors."
    • "It is evident from the legislative history of the Federal Reserve Act that Congress did not intend to give the federal government direction over the daily operation of the Reserve Banks: It is proposed that the Government shall retain sufficient power over the reserve banks to enable it to exercise a direct authority when necessary to do so, but that it shall in no way attempt to carry on through its own mechanism the routine operations and banking which require detailed knowledge of local and individual credit and which determine the funds of the community in any given instance. In other words, the reserve-bank plan retains to the Government power over the exercise of the broader banking functions, while it leaves to individuals and privately owned institutions the actual direction of routine."
    • "Additionally, Reserve Banks, as privately owned entities, receive no appropriated funds from Congress."
    • "The Reserve Banks are deemed to be federal instrumentalities for purposes of immunity from state taxation." (taxation is theft [my first and second article on taxation] though so we should all enjoy this exception)


The Federal Reserve was created on December 23, 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act after the Panic of 1907 when faith in trust companies failed, manly the Knickerbocker Trust Company. J. P. Morgan "saved" the day when he bailed out the industry using his own money, while convincing other bankers to do the same. The Panic of 1907 was influenced by the New York Times who pushed Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) as speculation started to rise over a potential scandal when the then-president of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, Charles T. Barney, tried to corner the copper stock market, leading to a bank run when the scheme failed and the stock plummeted. Within a couple of weeks after the Panic of 1907 Charles T. Barney committed suicide by a gunshot wound to the stomach. It was reported that Charles T. Barney was despondent over the fact that JP Morgan refused to meet with him. Sounds more like a Clinton suicide moment.


Frederick G. Eldridge, who chartered the Knickerbocker Trust Company in 1884, was a friend and classmate of J. P. Morgan. In 1896, J. P. Morgan provided Adolph Simon Ochs, who owned the Chattanooga Times, the financing to secure the purchase of the struggling New York Times which provided J. P. Morgan influence over the stories published in their papers. This push and influence caused the bank run leading to the industry (really only New York) needing to be "saved." Sounds like a broken window fallacy, no?


The next year following the Panic of 1907, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., established and led the commission looking into the panic and proposed the solution of creating the Federal Reserve System. Rockefeller, Sr., was 7th cousins to J. P. Morgan and in 1901 J. P. Morgan offered Rockefeller, Sr. close to $90 million in a deal for ore among other business dealings.


On top of this, shortly after J. P. Morgan "saved" the day a broker firm, Moore & Schley, who had secured huge loans against $6 million worth of Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company (TCI) shares had the loans called by the banks to cover the banking runs that hit the market. This caused another issue since Moore & Schley were one of several broker firms in massive debt, Moore & Schley sitting at $25 million in debt. J. P. Morgan jumped at this chance and browbeat the other bankers (rumored he locked them in a room) until they agreed to help put up the money to cover the firm's debt with the additional resource of government funds (taxes). The plan worked and J. P. Morgan was able to help bail out the broker firm and secure the acquisition of TCI. TCI was the direct southern competitor of U.S. Steel, which J. P. Morgan owned. Furthermore, TCI had the largest use of prison laborers (most were black) who were convicted of victimless or petty crimes and forced to pay off their fines though hard labor (this is still happening today). The number of convicts "employed" by U.S. Steel grew rapidly after it acquired TCI. J. P. Morgan is a humanitarian and philanthropist, right?


John Godfrey Moore, co-owner of Moore & Schley and had controlling interest in Chase National Bank, gained fame in 1893 for successfully suing the U.S. government to stop the Income Tax Act from becoming reality, at least until 1913. Moore had close business dealings with Rockefeller Sr. and J. P. Morgan. Moore died suddenly in 1899 and was a member of the Jekyll Island Club, as was J. P. Morgan and Rockefeller, Sr.


Now, to me this lays out a scheme by several individuals to corner a market while one who knew about the plan plotted against the rest securing considerable power and resources for the future. J. P. Morgan used his position to take out a financial market that directly stood against his bank, trust companies were increasing by 3.5 times the rate compared to other central banks. On top of this J. P. Morgan was able to secure and corner the steel market leading to a monopoly.  J. P. Morgan wasn't done though, using this panic and resulting crisis he continued to push for greater banking and financial regulations. These regulations came to a point by the end of 1913. J. P. Morgan would not live to see his goal realized.


What a year 1913 was... sad year for freedom. This was the year that we were graced with income tax and the Federal Reserve. Banks began to provide trust departments to help manage funds and community foundations grew out of the regulations and restrictions placed upon trust companies by the government. Community foundations are a public versions of trust companies. Senator Nelson Aldrich was a main push behind the Federal Reserve Act and the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment which allowed for the start of income tax. Senator Aldrich's daughter, Abigail, married into the Rockefeller family in 1901. Senator Aldrich met with Henry Davison, a senior partner at J. P. Morgan & Co., and others at Jekyll Island in November 1910 to discuss the creation of the Federal Reserve System, a centralized institution that would control the entire country's monetary supply.



Did I mention that taxation is theft? It is. Promise. Even if these banks waste money and run their business into the ground they are viewed as "too big to fail" and those in the government will come to their aid using your hard earned money which is why the central banks needed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. $700 billion in stolen money went to these central bankers to help fix the mess they put the economy into and they threw parties to celebrate. Do you really feel that you are in control of your life? Do you really believe that the banking elite have your best interests at heart? Do you really think their mentality has changed any since time of J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller, Sr.? If so, what evidence do you see that things have changed? The government controls you, and the central banks and the private business that is the Federal Reserve controls the government.


Like Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, founder of the International Banking House of Rothschild, said:

Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.



Now, as with trust companies, a group of individuals, one being CEO Jamie Dimon, are starting to target cryptocurrencies in a sinister manner using direct movements and actions to control what is being seen. CEO Jamie Dimon has committed fraud in his push to attack cryptocurrencies. This is how it starts, using FUD before a "crisis" happens which will "require" the government to step in and regulate what you do with your property, your product of labor, your capital. You must keep yourself aware of these tactics that are geared to manipulate and control you. You have no control over the Federal Government. Everything is handed to you with the illusion of choice and freedom. So much of what happened over a 100 years ago still directly affects you daily. You are being stolen from constantly to fund foreign wars which didn't exist until the Federal Reserve and income tax. You are being manipulated by mainstream media who are controlled by the government and banking elite.



Do you still think conspiracy theorists are crazy nut jobs? At what point is the evidence good enough for you to wake up to the slavery that exists today?



My name is Jeffrey Hann and I'm an anarchist/voluntarist, Army veteran, business analyst, graphics and website designer, and content creator. I have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism. I strive to live my life through voluntary actions and valuing rights. I own Journalistic Revolution (Facebook) and I can be found on Twitter|Instagram|Minds|Steemit|Keybase


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"The constitutions of most of our
States assert that all power is
inherent in the people; that... it
is their right and duty to
be at all times armed."

Thomas Jefferson