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February 21st, 2023

COVID19 - SHORT PATH TO 'YOU'LL OWN NOTHING. AND YOU'LL BE HAPPY.': Welcome to the new Age of Tyranny

Plato explained thousands of years ago that government is not static but something with a lifecycle that changes as time marches on. This lifecycle progresses through the various types of government -in whatever form it started- and eventually ends with Tyranny. To understand where we are and where we are heading into the future, we need to know how to think critically as a skillset requiring the correct process through Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric -in order. We will review why the government and its agents should never be blindly trusted. We will discuss how sophistry has twisted language making propaganda more efficient at controlling and manipulating the masses. And we will see evidence demonstrating how governments, secret groups of individuals, and corporations worldwide are using COVID19 as a live-fire exercise that will change how capitalism is viewed by placing corporations as the gatekeepers of societies’ moral and ethical structure, thus ushering in the “Great Reset” where you will own nothing. And you’ll be happy.

Welcome to the new Age of Tyranny.

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"'The libertarian philosophy doesn't explain the
best way to grow a vegetable
garden!' Why do some people talk
as if there should be one
concept or principle which is all
you'll ever need to know in
order to handle everything in life?
Right now the PRIMARY threat to
humanity--by a factor of a zillion--is
the belief in 'authority.' And the
solution--the ONLY solution--is for people to
escape that superstition. Questions like, "But
how do we care for the
poor?" are 100% logically IRRELEVANT to
proving that statism is immoral and
destructive. 'But gee, if I stop
sawing off my toes with this
steak knife, how will I balance
my checkbook?' Why the hell do
people imagine that anarchists have some
obligation to explain how every aspect
of everyone's life will work, just
because they say, 'Having a ruling
class is immoral and irrational'? When
someone tells you to stop advocating
evil crap (e.g., statism), they don't
suddenly acquire an obligation to explain
the whole universe to you, or
to guarantee that nothing bad will
ever happen to anyone ever again."

Larken Rose