Source: Stateless Homesteading

As I sit typing in the early hours of Saturday morning in the American Midwest, the body count from the devastating series of attacks in Paris on Friday evening is still unsolidified; with 128 confirmed among the dead and countless others injured, this number is unfortunately poised to rise as coverage unfolds over the course of this weekend. It goes without saying that those affected by this tragedy are in my thoughts, and it is with a heavy heart that I turn my investigative acumen towards an event which has brought so much loss of innocent life.

But as the people of France are swept with a sense of profound and unifying nationalism, those watching from across the Atlantic recognize all too well the potential cost of such fervent patriotism; it was little over a decade ago that the bellicose sounds of “Proud to Be an American” echoed across the nation in the wake of false-flag tragedy, striking an eerie contrast to the chorus of La Marseillaise ringing through the streets of Paris last night. A similar narrative, too, surrounds the recent carnage in Paris, as a group of yet-to-be-identified (EDIT: ISIS has taken credit while writing) “Freedom-hating Muslims” have (if the Mainstream Media is to be believed) attacked Paris out of sheer disdain for her values of liberté, égalité, and fraternité. 

The record of history informs us that the response of the American public to the events of 9/11 was to sacrifice the virtues of liberty upon the altar of such “fraternal” attributes as safety and security. As President Francois Hollande has all but declared Martial Law in the nation and sealed her borders in response to this horrific string of terror, I realize now may not be the most convenient time to weigh the value of human autonomy in the face of danger and insecurity – but, as an American living in the post-9/11 Security State, how I wish my country hadn’t so hastily cast aside these values in the face of crisis!

How I wish critical thinking would have been present between stimulus and response within the populace in the days, months, and years following the attack. How I wish for a genuine Fourth Estate to have been present, equipped to inform the public of such infamous discrepancies as World Trade Center 7 and unprecedented insider trading that occurred amidst the chaos of the day.

For America to rewrite her creation of the “Global War on Terror” paradigm is nothing more than wishful thinking – but for Francs, whose country stands on the precipice of a defining moment in history, this possibility still exists. NATO needn’t be dragged into “a war which will be pitiless” without first exercising a mature and skeptical examination of the events surrounding the tragedy in Paris.

Less than 24 hours after these horrific events, it’s certainly too early to draw any substantiveconclusions as to what truly occurred in Paris last night, aside from tragic loss of human life; it is, however, the opportune time to pose questions. 

And the events leading up to and surrounding the havoc in Paris assuredly warrant our curiosity.

French, German Intelligence and the Curious Case of the Missing Explosives

In watching live British, Russian, and American coverage surrounding the Paris event, one line of questioning being posed by mainstream media continuously has been that of material support to the attackers. “What kind of organized and equipped network could arm these terrorists? Where did Jihadists from Syria get grenades, AK-pattern rifles and explosives in a country who strictly regulates such weapons?

As police and military scour the streets of Paris looking for Islamofascist bomb-makers, these are important questions – and at least one news source purports to provide insight as to how these terrorists were armed. According to SOFREP, a team of self-described analysts with miitary and Special Ops experience, the bombs used in Paris weren’t limited to haphazardly wired suicide vests, but were in fact military-grade explosives from a French armory heist earlier this year:

“SOFREP sources reported to us weeks ago that the French National Police were meeting with the German BKA federal police and BND federal intelligence service to discuss an imminent pre-planned terrorist attack in Paris.

Industrial targets were already being probed by suspected terrorists in France, and a bomb which failed to detonate was found in one facilityThe explosives employed were those stolen in a little-publicized theft from a French military armory months prior. The French and German federal police and intelligence services strongly believed at that time that terrorists were casing soft targets inside Paris and that it was, ‘A matter of when, not if.’

-Jack Murphy, via SOFREP

The above information, if accurate, raises a number of uncomfortable queries. If anything, it exemplifies overt foreknowledge by French and German authorities of an imminent attack on French soil unreported up to now. Seemingly swept under the rug, too, was the attempted bombing of an industrial target which preceded last night’s bloodshed, which I’ve been unable to find further information on.

Hollande’s aspirations for a “unified France” could be thrown into disarray were it to be revealed that the bombs and grenades used to murder countless Francs may have come from a French military installation – an assertion from SOFREP that is verifiable, as The Guardian reported the theft of military equipment from a high-security French armory in July of this year:

Screenshot from 2015-11-14 05:23:50

Screenshot from 2015-11-14 05:24:40Screenshot from 2015-11-14 05:25:25

Again, if these unnamed French and German police and intelligence officers are to be believed, this verified theft of “grenades and plastic explosives” are intimately connected to not only the attacks in Paris last night, but a previously under/unreported (failed) plot against an unidentified French industrial target. How would rogue Islamofascists sneak their way onto a highly secure French army base amidst unprecedented security in the wake of Charlie Hebdo earlier this year? The Guardian article claims they simply cut a hole in the fence and slipped away in the night unnoticed – possible, but certainly a point worth pressing.

(EDIT: It is now being quietly reported that the firearms and ammunition may have come from asource arrested near the Austrian border by German police.)

Equally as curious is SOFREP’s commentary on the German BKA and BND, who appear indivorcible from French National Police in the weeks leading up to these tragic events. The pedestrian interpretation of this relationship, that German intelligence had acquired actionable intel and worked with the French to mitigate a horrible scenario, is a conclusion that would satisfy most. I’d like it to be true. But the documented history of murky German intelligence officials turning up in high-profile false flag events of the past 20 years force me take pause.

As researchers of the Oklahoma City bombing know, Timothy McVeigh’s time in the white nationalist compound straddling the Arkansas border known as “Elohim City” is of particular Deep Political interest, if only due to the man who served as its “Chief of Security”: Andreas Strassmeir, son of former German chancellor Helmut Kohl’s Chief of Staff and a former lieutenant in the German army with military intelligence training. Despite the FBI and ATF having significant evidence connecting Strassmeir and his Elohim City cult to the planning and preparation of OKC, no charges were ever filed. They rarely are on intelligence assets.

Just ask Strassmeir – or better yet, Wolfgang Bohringer, the high-rolling German national who owned a flight school in none other than Venice, Florida ahead of 9/11. A “close friend” (some would argue handler) of Muhammad Atta, Bohringer’s affiliations were revealed by veteran sleuth Daniel Hopsicker based on the accounts of the now-infamous “pink-haired stripper,” Amanda Keller. What Hopsicker uncovered was at least credible enough to warrant the attention of the FBI, who, upon arresting Bohringer, reported him saying:

“You can’t arrest me. I’m with the CIA.

He remains, of course, a free man to this day.

I’m not trying to imply that the presence of German intelligence alone in advance of the Paris attacks is in itself indicative of foul play; but given the historical precedence for German intelligence involvement in false-flag operations considered in tandem with unsettling allegations of foreknowledge and stolen military explosives, the shadowy underbelly of NATO intelligence agencies cannot be overlooked by independent investigators going forward.

If it Looks Like a Gladio, and it Kills Like a Gladio…

When one’s mind turns towards bombings and terrorism in Western Europe, the word “Gladio” is sure to be on the lips of astute readers. Ravaging the region with a string of false flag bombings throughout the Cold War, the terrorist NATO operatives of Gladio A have long since given way to their 21st Century counterparts: The Islamofascists of Gladio B who, according to FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, encompass “terrorist” groups as varied as Al-Qaeda, Chechen nationalists, and of course, ISIS, the group claiming responsibility for the Paris attacks.

While it’s still too early to trace the specific connections of the Gladio B network to recent events in France, the use of the Strategy of Tension alone on the streets of Paris is disconcerting, to say the least.

“You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the State to ask for greater security.

Vincenzo Viciguerra on the Strategy of Tension

With unified calls for greatly increased security measures from American and French law enforcement alike, the State has been making its case for greater authority from the moment the dust settled in Paris – specifically citing concerns of their inability to track “undesirables” who could serve a security threat. It shudders to make me think that the bloodshed in Paris may have been instigated, in part, to pass the draconian global biometric ID program to be voted on at COP21 in the very city now stricken with grief; if nothing else, it will make for a convenient justification for the synthesis of greater security as called for by the Strategy of Tension.

Keep your eyes on Boiling Frogs Post and the open source investigation of James Corbett for more developments on potential Gladio and NATO intellgience involvement in Paris.

Out of words and energy, I leave you as I’ve left myself, Reader: Full of questions. To the people of France, I leave my sincerest condolences, but more importantly, the powerful words of Congresswoman Barbara Lee spoken on 09/14/01, in hopes that they might be valued today more than they were back then:




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"The constitutions of most of our
States assert that all power is
inherent in the people; that... it
is their right and duty to
be at all times armed."

Thomas Jefferson