We had the pleasure of sitting down with Glen Chancy, the Apopka FL Mayor Hopeful and talking to him about his activism and upcoming Mayorial election.


Glen co-founded banthecams.org in 2009 with Henry Bentley and several other concerned citizens. The economic crisis had hit the year before, and suddenly cash-strapped local governments had begun putting up Redlight Cameras, not only in Apopka but in other Central Florida communities.


Alarmed by the sudden rise in this kind of unconstitutional law enforcement, Glen and Henry launched banthecams.org to bring together like-minded citizens to stop what was clearly an abusive and unjust method of earning revenue for the city’s coffers. Ban The Cams quickly became a rallying point for a diverse coalition of activists looking to combat this injustice.






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"If the misery of the poor
be caused not by the laws
of nature, but by our institutions,
great is our sin."

Charles Darwin



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